Sunday, March 29, 2009

New Media Artist #5 Electronic Disturbance Theater

EDT are a group of activists. The Zapatista rebels of Chiapas, Mexico. They are in opposition with the Mexican government. I think reading up on this now is pretty ironic with the current situation in Mexico. Druglords are controlling much of the control country and there are rumors that if things get much worse then Mexico could be a failed state, but that is neither here nor there. The EDT is mainly concerned about government oppression. Floodnet is a downloadable java applet. The function of the program was to search for non-existent webpages on specifically targeted servers. The targeted servers were connected to popular government sites. An error message will show up on the serverLike those of the U.S. and Mexican president. The idea is that if enough people used this program to type in "bad urls" it would overload the servers. The sites that people were asked to key in were names of those killed by the Mexican Army.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

A-Z (in-progress) from class sugesstions

I liked a lot of the suggestions people gave me. I thought a lot about one of Pat's ideas when he said maybe I could try to find as many things as I could that looked like my letters. Over spring break I started collecting images and items that look like the letters I was using. Clothes hangers, road signs, etc. With this in mind I decided that I should make a poster that resembles some posters that actually already exist. These novelty posters came to mind.
I also liked some of the ideas that Bartosz suggested in regardes to the video game idea.

Monday, March 9, 2009

A-Z ideas The CWL

I have always liked the way my initials work together because when you say them together it sounds out...COOL=CWL. I think I am pretty cool.

C -It came from a pictograph that looks like the L-Block from Tetris. With that in mind, I think using video games as a way to show the evolution/transformation of this letter. Because Tetris and Pong games from the beginning of video gaming it is ironic that theymuch like the andI was also think off using the bars from Pong that bounce the ball. The pictograph is of a foot and means "walk" among other things.


L -Is not as cwl right now. The letter looks a lot like is present form throughout history. L also kept the sound that it has represented for a long time. The shape comes from a farming tool that it resembled called a crook. Crooks are commonly seen in depeictions of Egyptian divinity. This came from the idea that Kings are Herdsmen. In Hebrew, the character was call lamed.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

New Media Artist #4 Mary Flanagan

I really liked this piece of art made by Mary Flanagan. It was cool that she used the engine from Unreal. I used to play Unreal during my AP Java class; when I should have been doing work. It is a really fun FPS. The fact that she knew about this game and chose this engine was very surprising. Flanagan used the game engine so that it runs like Unreal, but the game maps are different. Most importantly, instead of wielding super weapons like a shoulder-fired homing missile called the Redeemer to kill aliens. You go through the memories of the artist's childhood. I also liked that this one is somewhat simple. My roommate is a comp sci major and he is always telling me about how someone modded this or that game.